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Category testimonial v2

Ralph Brandt

For persons suffering from pains caused by spinal nerves being under pressure from lower  lumbar compression wit synovial cyst, which was my problem, I can say that my experience with Dr. Kulkarni’s minimally invasive surgery at Mumbai has been a total success in all respects. His specialisation in this surgical method, performing more than nine

Aug 10, 2015 / by DrArvindKulkarni / No Comments

Mrs. Kamalaben Joshi

My pain was so severe, that I could not sit or sleep. I would feel no pain only while standing. My son took me to a spine surgeon who recommended me a MRI scan. Post diagnosis, the doctor stated that surgery was the only option as it was too late for any other treatment. After

Aug 10, 2015 / by DrArvindKulkarni / No Comments